Monday 24 February 2014

Cheap wine...are you short changing yourself?

At work people come in asking for the cheapest wine we sell. They seem horrified when they see that £4.99 is the cheapest bottle, as they think that isn't cheap enough. At this price, the wine isn't great, but if you were throwing a party for lots of people on a budget? Then it's perfectly good inoffensive wine for everyone.

But in my head, £4.99 is dirt cheap! So what is it that you get for £4.99. 

- £2.83 is duty and VAT
- £0.60 is packaging and labour
- £1.40 is the margin (approx)

So what you're left with is a wine worth 16p....I'll repeat that...16p! And people consider that too much!? I understand that times are hard, but surely wine is ONE of the items that warrant a little extra money spent on it...(in my head).

If you like wine but can't afford the more expensive stuff, I would implore you to buy less but spend a little more when you buy wine....but at just around £2 more a bottle (£6.99) your wine is worth £1.27!! That's a huuuuge difference! 

You'll find that pretty much every wine retailer will have plenty of wines at £6.99-£ we aren't talking major bucks...but you will see a big difference

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